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All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
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Alpha Question mark in red, on a banner

So... Does God exist?


If you’re looking for answers to this question, the Alpha course could be for you.

What is Alpha?

The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening manner over seven thought-provoking weekly sessions.

There’s a meal together at the beginning of each session which gives you a chance to get to know others on the course. It’s followed by a series of talks on topics like Who is Jesus?, and How and why do I pray?, after which you’ll we break into small groups to discuss the talk, and raise any questions.

Listen, learn and discover – and ask anything.  Alpha is a place where no question is too simple or too hostile.

It's low key, friendly and fun - and it's supported by all the main Christian denominations.

Alpha takes place in the Church Centre.   Each course begins with a celebration supper then meets each Thursday at 7.15pm for the next seven weeks, plus an Away Day on a Saturday midway through the course.

At All Saints Ron and Helen Glenn coordinate Alpha and we aim to run three courses through the year, one each term.

We realise that not everyone can come to an Alpha course in the evening and if you are interested in a daytime Alpha Course, please contact us.

When does the next course start?

Our next course will be in the Autumn term, dates yet to be confirmed.

How do I sign up?.

Contact us

Is there a fee?

The course is free although contributions towards the cost of supper are welcome.

Visit the Alpha website for more details of the course plus personal experiences and a whole lot more.

Still not sure?

Call our vicar John Kirkland on 01244 322056, who will be very happy to have a chat with you.