We are an active, lively and growing parish church, made up of people of all ages, which seeks to serve the local community of Hoole – so we hope our website gives you a good insight into what we do.
Our aim is to help people explore and grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ, deepen their love for one another and be equipped to serve in every area of their lives.
We offer a variety of services on a Sunday and have a wide range of activities for all ages during the week.
We believe that small groups, meeting in people’s homes and in the church centre, are at the heart of church life and we also run Alpha regularly for those who want to explore the Christian faith. Many find this a great way into the life of the church.
More details of all our activities can be found on this website, but please do contact us if we can help you further on 01244 322056 or by email, office@allsaints.church
For Church Centre enquiries please telephone 01244 345649 or email centre@allsaints.church
We hope that you will feel welcome at All Saints and look forward to getting to know you better.
John Kirkland, Vicar of All Saints’ Hoole
Our Visions and Values
At All Saints we have a number of values which we seek to live by in all that we do as a church.
All involved
We don’t believe that ministry is the work of just a few people but want to see every member fully involved in serving the Lord. We want to help each other to discover our unique gifts and use them to the full.
Being disciples
We believe that God’s purpose for all people is that they should become more like Jesus Christ. Through preaching from the Bible, home groups and other activities we encourage each other to discover God’s will for our lives, grow in faith and be changed into Christ’s likeness. We have a full programme of activities for children and young people which seek to help them begin to follow Jesus for themselves.
Creating community
We take seriously Jesus’ command to love another, and we recognise the importance of our relationships in the church family. Although it is hard to relate deeply to lots of people in a relatively large congregation, we seek to care for, support and help one another in small groups of about 10-12 people. These small groups, also known as home groups, are at the heart of our church life. Food also plays a big part in our life together!
Doing evangelism
We believe that we have been given the most wonderful news in the world, but that we must not keep this to ourselves. We want to help everyone to discover the joy of a relationship with God and we offer lots of ways to do this. We run Alpha each term, in partnership with other local churches, and we also run a monthly Messy Church which provides a church for those who find that traditional ways of 'doing church' are not for them.
Encountering God
We seek to meet with God as we come together on Sundays and during the different times of corporate prayer which we hold during the week. We want to give time to be in God’s presence and to listen to his voice. We believe that the purpose for which we are made is to know God and to enjoy him forever.
Our vision for All Saints’ in 5 years time is that we shall be a church which:
faithfully listens to the Word, where the Word challenges the church, and where people meet with the Lord Jesus
reaches out more effectively to the whole community of Hoole, is known for its empathetic witness, and is seen as a beacon that radiates the love of Jesus in its mission and evangelism
continues to grow through prayerfully carrying out God’s work and developing a deepening awareness of the guidance of the Holy Spirit
rapidly incorporates both new Christians and people new to the church that goes beyond a warm initial welcome to integrate people fully into the church family, and that encourages all members to discover and use their gifts
nurtures the church family to be effective disciples, and has an effective pastoral care system that cares for all who are in need
is prepared to explore new ways of being church, and where the corporate worship is increasingly open to the Holy Spirit.
strives to maintain unity in every aspect of church life in order to honour God and increase our effectiveness as witnesses of the gospel
manifestly accepts God’s forgiveness and His sovereignty over all.