Old Website

This website is no longer maintained, however remains accessible for archival purposes.

All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
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Who’s Who at All Saints

Vicar John KirklandVicar John Kirkland

John was born in Leeds and went to University in Leicester where he came to a living faith in Jesus. After a year working in the Philippines, he trained for ordained ministry in Durham, where he met his wife Kate.

He served as a Curate in Knutsford and then became Minister at Holy Trinity, Spital on the Wirral and, when that became a separate parish, its first Vicar. He has been Vicar of All Saints since 1995.

As well as spending time with the family – John and Kate have four children - his hobbies include birdwatching, listening to music (it is an understatement to say that he is a fan of Bob Dylan!), following cricket, and reading.


Preaching Team

Here at All Saints we have a number of preachers who help us to understand the Bible and experience its transforming power in our lives. We believe that Scripture is God’s word for today and that we grow in faith, hope and love as we hear and obey God through his unchanging word.  As well as John, the following people make up the preaching team:

John Benson

Vicki BulginVicki Bulgin





Bill Holt

Jeff TurnbullJeff Turnbull





There are also a number of people who ensure that the wheels don't fall off (some paid positions and some voluntary):

Christina BeveridgeChurch Centre Manager

Christina Beveridge




Church Administrator

Helen Dymond


Church Wardens

Vicki Bulgin and Steve Tynegate




Children, young people and families

We have a number of people within the church with specific responsibility for some parts of our work with children and families (some paid positions and some voluntary).

Helen Ellis - Families Work Co-ordinatorHelen Ellis - Families Work Co-ordinator and

Regional Co-ordinator for Messy Church

Sam Durdant-Hollamby - Youth and Drama WorkerSam Durdant-Hollamby - Assistant Pastor

Peri Nightingale - B-it Schools and Drama Worker

Stephen and Cathy Batchelor ? Sunday Club LeadersStephen and Cathy Batchelor – Sunday Club Leaders