Children and Young People
Children and young people welcome!
If you are looking after a young child you may feel anxious about bringing them to church - be assured, children and young people are especially welcome as part of our church family.
Our children and young people always seem to feel comfortable and at home in the building, and enjoy the broad range of groups and activities we run for them, including our energetic and lively Sunday Club. Activity bags are available at the back of church and if you want to take a restless child out of the service, a crèche is available.
If your child has been baptised, and has been admitted to communion at a previous church, then they are welcome to receive communion at All Saints even though they are too young to be Confirmed. If you wish to know more about being admitted to Holy Communion, or Confirmation, please speak to our Vicar, John Kirkland.
Everyone who works with children, young people or vulnerable adults – whether paid or voluntary – is vetted and has a current clean Criminal Records Bureau disclosure (CRB check).
Sunday services
Most of our families with children attend our 10.45am service and provide activities and facilities for babies, children and young people.
Monthly All Age Worship
On the first Sunday of each month we have a special all age service. We include a high degree of participation and aim to keep this to about an hour so as not to try the patience of the little ones. Baptisms and Thanksgivings take place within these services.
Midweek activities for children and young people
B-it Theatre Company Saturday morning, Wednesday and Thursday evening drama groups
Toddler Praise Third Thursday 9.30am
Older teenagers
Franks is the final formal young people’s group at All Saints and the last stage in their church journey from childhood into adulthood. It’s for older teenagers aged 14 to 18 (school years 10 to 13).
While many members of Franks regularly attend the 10.45am service, special events are planned to ensure that they continue to get the spiritual support and teaching they need. The group meets separately on Sunday evenings to talk, to learn, to support each other and take part in a variety of activities.
To really find out what the youth really do, take a look at their website! Everyone who works with children, young people or vulnerable adults at All Saints – whether paid or voluntary – is vetted and has a current clean Criminal Records Bureau disclosure (CRB check).
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