Old Website

This website is no longer maintained, however remains accessible for archival purposes.

All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
All Saints Church, Hoole, Chester
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EACH Sunday morning without fail a group of willing volunteers provide a safe and happy place for the under-threes to stay and play while their parents worship.  However, please note that there is no crèche for the 9am service.

Cr?cheThe aim of créche is to provide an environment for toddlers to make friends within the church family and prepare together for the next stage of their church journey – Scramblers.

Créche is available every Sunday for the 10.45am service (there is no créche for 9am or 6.30pm) and young children can be taken there before the service or at any point during.

The crèche volunteers are led by Dominic Cadman, and you can contact him through the church office.


Protecting our children

Everyone who works with children, young people or vulnerable adults at All Saints – whether paid or voluntary – is vetted and has a current clean Criminal Records Bureau disclosure (CRB check).