FRANKS is the final formal young people’s group at All Saints and the last stage in their church journey from childhood into adulthood. It’s for young people aged 14 to 18 (school years 10 to 13).
Our aim is for it to be a place where the young people of All Saints can be raised up in the gifts God has given them and discipled in their walk with Jesus.
It’s much less structured that the younger groups –Climbers, Scramblers, Explorers and Pathfinders – and meets every Sunday evening. Many members do attend Sunday services regularly and will generally stay in church throughout the Sunday 10.45am service, sitting together and encouraging each other in their faith and learning.
To ensure Franks’ members continue to get the spiritual support and teaching they need, the group also meets separately on Sunday evenings to talk, to learn, to support each other and take part in a variety of activities.
Every first Sunday of the month is ‘Awakening’ our Youth Service for our 11-18s. It is a place where all our young people get a chance to explore their gifts, and grow in community. We often have our young people preaching and leading prayer activities as well as a youth worship band. We do also occasionally meet with other churches to share in fellowship and grow in unity with those around us.
Our next two Sunday’s are spent diving into whatever God may have placed on our heart. More recently we have used these times to go through a book or course together. Our most notable series from last year was working through Francis Chan’s book ‘Crazy Love’ which was a great success and very challenging. You can check our current series by visiting the youth website, just click here.
Essentially we love Jesus and want to know him better and that’s what it’s all about.
Each year our youth workers also take the group to Soul Survivor camp in the summer - always a popular and enjoyable event.
Every summer we sadly say goodbye to our older members as they go out into the world but we are proud and delighted to see some of things they go on to do.
Protecting our children
Everyone who works with children, young people or vulnerable adults at All Saints – whether paid or voluntary – is vetted and has a current clean Criminal Records Bureau disclosure (CRB check).